あいまいぴー 代表挨拶

The Message of Imaipe


代表挨拶 The Message





In English

Nice to meet you!
I’m Yukako Omura of “Ishikawa Interprofessional Education Project Imaipe”, which is mainly based on students from Kanazawa University in Ishikawa Prefecture. She is a nurse in psychiatry while studying her research methods in graduate school. Her research theme is “Continuous and effective IPE / IPL implementation since school days”. She is the mother of two naughty boys.

Since the birth of Imaipe as a goodwill division of the “Toyama Interprofessional Education Project -Toyamaipe-” in 2018, we have been planning a total of four times. The themes are “Discharge support for the elderly,” “Child-rearing support,” “Rehabilitation,” “Psychiatric life support and comprehensive community care system,” and all projects are mixed with students and practitioners with diverse specialties. Group work was held at, and it became a Third place for fun learning and interaction. However, due to the spread of the new coronavirus, face-to-face implementation has been difficult for some time. Therefore, this year, I wanted to implement an IPE project in a new format, and received advice from various people. Fortunately, I was able to receive a subsidy for human resource development in Ishikawa Prefecture, and when I consulted with Toyamai Pee and Shimane’s student IPE group “SiPS” representative, “Create a platform for IPE / IPL learners.” The MAIPLE project was born.

I think the strength of the student-centered third place IPE is that it is full of dreams, hopes and ideals, has a very light footwork, and has explosive action. For the promotion of IPW / TPW and for a fulfilling life (although there are many), we will remove the barriers of expertise and affiliation and create a community where diverse people can enjoy interacting and learning. Isn’t it? ?? We look forward to seeing you!

プロフィール Profile

富山県出身 石川県在住 二児の母 
金沢大学大学院在学中 石川県内の病院に在職中 

Born in Toyama Prefecture
Lives in Ishikawa Prefecture
Mother of two children
Currently enrolled in Kanazawa University Graduate School
Currently working at a hospital in Ishikawa prefecture
Research theme ”Continuous and effective IPE / IPL implementation since school days”

あいまいぴー紹介動画 Introductory video of Imaipe
あいまいぴー活動報告 Activity Report of Imaipe

This is SNS of Imaipe.