SiPS 代表挨拶(謝り役)

The Message of SiPS

代表挨拶 The Message


  • 自己紹介〜IPEとの出会い〜

 私自身、学部教育で「チーム医療」という言葉は既知でしたが、IPEは概念も授業もありませんでした。卒後は、作業療法士(以下OT)として千葉大学医学部附属病院リハビリテーション部に勤務しました。現場では、OTとして患者の日常生活を評価し、サポートしてきました。また患者を中心に、必要に応じて栄養サポートチーム、緩和ケアチーム、褥瘡チームなどといった医療チームが形成されるためチームで各々の医療者が専門領域の観点から他領域と協働・連携していきます。このチームで動くためには多職種理解が必要であること、さらに必要に応じて、同職種間または多職種間への援助を専門職である自分から求めることにより、直接患者のQuality of Lifeに影響することを私は実感しました。自動的に調整、連携、協働が起こるわけではありません。



  • 医学教育と島根大学





  • SiPSの発足と活動〜MAIPLEプロジェクトへ〜

 私は、現状を打破するために島根県で在学している学生を対象に多職種連携サークルSiPS(Shimane InterProfessional collaborations by Students)を主に医学科の仲間と2019年12月に共に立ち上げました。島根大学以外の学校で養成課程があるのは看護師、理学療法士、作業療法士、言語聴覚士、臨床工学技士、管理栄養士、介護福祉士があります。養成校によっては山間部にあり物理的にも、島根大学医学科の学生との風通しは良いとは言えないのが現状です。


In English
Hello everyone, this is Hiroyuki Shiratori (haku-chan) belonging to five years Shimane University School of Medicine Department of Medicine. I became a medical student after experiencing the field as an occupational therapist. And now, it is the management of InterProfessional cooperation circle SiPS of Shimane University School of Medicine onset. I would like to share my thoughts on IPE and introduce myself, including the history so far.

  • Self-introduction ~ Encounter with IPE ~

I myself knew the term “team medicine” in undergraduate education, but IPE had no concept or lessons. After graduating, I worked as an occupational therapist (OT) in the rehabilitation department of Chiba University Hospital. Medical teams such as nutrition support teams, palliative care teams, pressure ulcer teams, etc. are formed around patients as needed, and each medical professional collaborates and collaborates with other fields from the perspective of specialized fields. In order to work in this team, it is necessary to understand multiple occupations. In addition, I realized that by asking for help between the same occupations or multiple occupations as needed, it directly affects the quality of life of patients. Coordination, collaboration and collaboration do not occur automatically.

I entered the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University to study communication studies more deeply, and studied the medical field from the perspective of medical communication. I learned that communication consists of macro level such as information transmission by mass media, meso level between occupations and organizations such as IPE / IPW, and micro level of information exchange between patients and medical staff. After graduating from the master’s degree, I was not only involved in the medical field as an OT in the community, but also provided educational support for children with school refusal and learning disabilities who were not well-educated in welfare and education. In the community, I have to understand and cooperate with interprofessional more than working in a hospital. Only by understanding the minimum occupational area of other occupations, it is possible to connect and collaborate with the support and support required for that person. I have experienced many such IPW.

However, during my experience, doctors often did not participate in multidisciplinary meetings, especially in the community. Although doctors had been regarded as non-participation because it is a busy, often the details are unknown, I felt the question. At the same time, I felt that my understanding of doctors was really weak. Doctors are indispensable for multidisciplinary collaboration for patients, and I thought that becoming a doctor would give me a better understanding of the profession of doctors. It was one of the major driving forces for retaking the exam. After that, I transferred to Shimane University School of Medicine for the third year. Currently, I am studying medicine as a medical student.

  • Medical Education and Shimane University

Education in Japanese medical schools is conducted according to the model core curriculum, but the professionalism of the basic qualities and abilities required as a doctor is “practice of team medical care”. There are “Explain the composition of the medical team, the division of roles of each member, and the cooperation responsibility system, and can participate as a member of the team” and “Recognize the limits of your ability and seek help from other healthcare professionals as needed” in the learning goals, but how many universities are actively working on these goals?

Shimane Medical University was integrated with Shimane University in 2003. The campus of the Faculty of Medicine is in Izumo City, and the other faculties are in Matsue City. If you use public transportation, it takes more than an hour each way, so interaction with other faculties is rare. When I am in the 1st grade, I travel by a shuttle bus that connects Izumo and Matsue about once a week in order to earn credits for general education at the university, but when I am in the 2nd grade or above, I have less chance to go to the university.

The University has a Faculty of Human Sciences and offers courses to train certified public psychologists, certified public psychologists, social workers, and psychiatric social workers. Not only doctors, but also medical professionals need a wide range of knowledge not only in medical care but also in nursing care, welfare, and education.

However, through classroom lectures in basic medicine and clinical medicine, I do not have group work with students other than the medical department outside of club activities and circles, and I cannot have the opportunity to absorb knowledge. When I was an OT student, I didn’t have group work with medical students, but I had many opportunities to take group work and classes with other co-medical students. If I receive medical education from the standpoint of a medical student again, I speculate that this situation may be one of the causes that led to the non-participation of doctors in the field after becoming a profession. That is why I feel that it is important for students who are aiming for a medical occupation to have an environment where they can collaborate with students from other faculties from the time they were students.

  • Establishment and activities of SiPS ~ To the MAIPLE Project ~

In order to break through the current situation, I launched SiPS (Shimane InterProfessional collaborations by Students), a multidisciplinary collaboration circle for students enrolled in Shimane Prefecture, mainly with colleagues in the medical department in December 2019. Schools other than Shimane University have training courses for nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, clinical engineers, registered dietitians, and care workers. Depending on the training school, it is located in a mountainous area, and even physically, it cannot be said that the communication with the students of Shimane University School of Medicine is good.

We believe that the current situation will not change unless we are well-ventilated by our medical students, and we are approaching other faculties and departments from medical students, and have begun efforts to overcome the barriers between faculties and departments as much as possible. Looking back on the activities of the year, I was able to meet various people. And it is a great honor to be involved in this MAIPLE project. I am delighted to be able to make connections across prefectures by making full use of online as well as within Shimane prefecture. I hope that this initiative itself will become a bridge between students and member of society. And when I look back, I am confident that this activity will lead to our InterProfessional skills in the future.

SiPS紹介動画 Introductory video of SiPS

プロフィール Profile

千葉県出身 島根県在住 
趣味:民族楽器収集癖 asarato(西アフリカの子供のおもちゃ)caisa drum(ドイツの癒やしの楽器)Kalimba (アフリカの癒やしの楽器)
京都大学卒 島根大学医学部医学科在学中

Born in Chiba prefecture
Lives in Shimane prefecture
Hobby:Folk instrument “caisa drum,asarato,kalimba”
Graduated from Kyoto University
Currently enrolled in Shimane University School of Medicine

SiPS活動報告 Activity Report of SiPS

活動報告に関しては、下記 ホームページの「活動日誌」をご覧ください。
For activity reports, please see the “Activity Diary” on the website below.


This is SNS and Website of SiPS.